FODMAP Friendly Brownies

This weekend's procrastibaking FODMAP-Friendly delicious treat is dark chocolate and raspberry brownies, recipe courtesy of: A Little Bit Yummy. I have genuinely never been able to eat a brownie without having a stomach ache after (even pre-IBS diagnosis! Although I suspect there was an IBS issue long before I got it diagnosed...), so I really, really hope that … Continue reading FODMAP Friendly Brownies

FODMAP-Friendly Pancrêpes!

Pancakes were always the type of thing that I would eat and just suffer through the consequences because pancakes. But after trying the FODMAP diet, it took two months of actual fear before trying to make FODMAP-Friendly pancakes - what if it STILL hurt?? My amazingly wonderful partner took it upon himself to test out … Continue reading FODMAP-Friendly Pancrêpes!